

這是個聚焦在六十後藝術家的展覽,以年歲為命題,在雨傘運動後的香港別有意思。生於六十年代的中年人,進入 生命初白階段,似漸熟的陽光,微白的火焰,恆沙被日月拍打,時光掏身,變色潔心,身體和心智都起著不同的變化,開始感應歷史的重量,生命的無常,或重探 、或確認、或改變一直緊守的價值,作為藝術家在特定的香港社會脈胳下如何面對自身的精神變化?


  • 策展人:俞若玫
    地點:1a 空間,九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村14號室
  • 展覽日期:二零一五年六月六(星期六)至二零一五年六月二十八日(星期

Early White—time is the sculptor

The sands of the beach are polished by the sun, the sea, the moon, the wind, day by day, into a beautiful white. What will the sand to do with being white? Still a long journey to go. When artists are going into their midlife, how aging is reflected by their works? This is an exhibition showing the diversity of middle age artists. They are voices from the post 60s and 50s. It is a disclosure of private feelings under specific Hong Kong context. It shows the emotional and political complexity on aging. Also, generation gap is such a focal point in recent political debate, how artists address to this?

Ten local artists from different disciplines are invited to have a reflexive creative responses to the question: how aging starts to have impacts on your spiritual, creative and identity creation after umbrella movement.

Aging is now a globalized social fact,yet not only about economic figures or body changed, but also sense of history, discourse on experiences, memories and identity, aging and cultural ecology, time and media progression, and spiritual transformation. The exhibition aims at unleashing more voices from post 60s and start up public conversation on cultural meanings of aging.

The project is curated by Cally Yu from Grey and Green Ping Pong and artists are: Ching Wah Chan (painting and text) ,Enoch Cheung, (multimedia),Virginia Sau Man Chu, (music and movement) Chung Wai Ching, Bryan (multimedia),Lo King Wah (video) Benny Lau(installation), Anson Mak (sound installation), Annie Wan (ceramics), Cally Yu (text).

Exhibition information:

Early White 初白

Date: 6 June – 28 June 2015

Opening: 5 June 7pm

Venue: 1a Space, Cattle Depot

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road,
To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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